Image by Peter Solness

About Amy

Amy Dynan’s paintings are rich in sublime imagery and draw on various periods throughout art history including Impressionism, Surrealism, and Abstraction. For Amy, the question in art is not what is sublime but how do we access it? Her work explores how we encounter sublime moments and the reverence that emerges through relationship with nature. Using broad, bold lines of pastels on paper, Amy’s process challenges the intersection of drawing and painting. Permeating her work is a love for the Australian landscape—the clarity of light, the boundlessness of sky, and the classic burnt colours of country.

Amy holds a Master of Contemporary Art and Master of Fine Arts from The University of Sydney. Amy has been a finalist in numerous prizes including the Dobell Drawing Prize, Adelaide Perry Drawing Prize, JADA Art Prize and John Leslie Landscape Prize, and has been selected for residencies in France, Norway, Hill End, Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery, Tweed Regional Gallery and Bundanon Trust. Amy has exhibited in public, commercial and regional galleries since 2012 and is represented by Stanley Street Gallery (NSW).

Upcoming solo exhibition 22 May - 14 June 2025 Stanley Street Gallery


2024 Idyll, Osborne House curated by Diana Palmer

2023 Sublime Solo Exhibition E-Catalogue

2021 Skytalk Solo Exhibition E-Catalogue

2021 Artist Profile Magazine #57 | Amy Dynan by Emma Kate Wilson

2021 Art Almanac | In the studio: Amy Dynan